The Leeds Learning Alliance Inclusive Practice Conference took place on Saturday 12th February at Carr Manor Community School.

The conference included workshops from a range of organisations within the LLA, including Leeds Trinity, Leeds Relational Practice Centre, and the Leeds Rhinos Foundation.

There were keynote speeches from Professor Tony Booth, ex Leeds Rhinos and Great Britain Captain Jamie Peacock MBE, as well as guest speaker Jovanni ‘Graft’ Sterling. There were excellent discussions throughout the day focused on progressive thinking and inclusive practice, catalysed by various workshops and an expert Q&A panel consisting of Leeds Trinity Lecturer Ricardo Barker, The Difference Programme Director Shaun Brown, CATCH CEO Ash Razzaq, and School Improvement Coach Hannah Hall.

Click here to watch Jamie Peacock’s speech.

Click here to watch the expert Q&A panel.

Click here to watch Graft’s speech.
