We held another Leaders’ Breakfast Meeting on Friday 24th March at CATCH, focused on Leading Inclusive Innovation.

Our guests included leaders from across the Alliance and beyond, representing all sectors and diverse backgrounds.

We were pleased to welcome Leeds City Council CEO Tom Riordan CBE to speak about some of the exciting developments happening within the city of Leeds, focused on the environment and social development. It is clear the work going on throughout the Alliance and beyond is contributing to the inclusive growth throughout the region, and will continue to develop over time.

Also speaking was Citu group Managing Director Jonathan Wilson, who brought the focus to ‘Innovative Leadership’, sharing the company’s fascinating story and vision to develop radical environmentally and socially kind housing within the city centre. We are pleased to have Citu as an Associate Partner of the LLA as they continue to trailblaze in this sector.

Our Breakfast Meetings are also a key way in which Members and Supporters of the Alliance can network and create new links within the city that can grow into key partnerships in the future.

Thank you to CATCH for being fantastic hosts and sharing their wonderful event space which is available for hire. Find out more at catchleeds.co.uk/venue-hire.
