Latest News


Our monthly newsletter is a space for our partners to share their exciting news and highlight key events that take place throughout the year.


Our monthly newsletter is a space for our partners to share their exciting news and highlight key events that take place throughout the year.

  • We are proud to announce that the Leeds Learning Alliance's CEO Simon Flowers has today been named on the King's Birthday Honours list to receive an OBE for services to education. Simon Flowers, of Carr Manor Community School, has led work beyond his school which has encouraged exemplary inclusive practice in Leeds. The school ...

  • We held another Leaders' Breakfast Meeting on Friday 24th March at CATCH, focused on Leading Inclusive Innovation.Our guests included leaders from across the Alliance and beyond, representing all sectors and diverse backgrounds.We were pleased to welcome Leeds City Council CEO Tom Riordan CBE to speak about some of the exciting developments happening within the city ...

  • The Leeds Learning Alliance Inclusive Leadership Conference took place on Saturday 4th March at Carr Manor Community School. We welcomed guests from across the Leeds Learning Alliance and beyond to network with likeminded people passionate about inclusivity. Workshops were run by a range of organisations, both within the LLA and external: Leeds Trinity University, ...

  • Growing Our Future Together Our annual report for 2021-22 encapsulates what we are working towards and what we must focus on as an alliance of powerful organisations. The report demonstrates some of the work we have been doing across multiple working groups, highlighting our work on Further & Higher Education, Community Safety & Peace, Climate ...